Our objective is to help address specific technical challenges using hybrid workflows created from existing and newly developed technology. The aim is to use these workflows to independently validate existing models and to help address elements of non-uniqueness.
Geoscientific data is collected to help build more meaningful models of the earth. These models help form our perception of reality and the foundation upon which we make our decisions. As an industry we spend a great deal of time and effort collecting enormous amounts of data. Traditional methods of analysing and interpreting these datasets are usually too slow and inefficient. Consequently, geoscientists often feel frustration when the models developed are only based upon very small portions of the data collected.
To address this challenge Total Depth has partnered with independent inventors and small research groups that share this frustration and have recognised the need for new solutions. In addition to addressing many of the limitations of traditional approaches, the efficiency and insights revealed with these new solutions is something we would like to share and apply to your technical challenges.